All-Around Champion Stetson Wright Comes by While in Town for the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo

Saddle bronc and bull rider Stetson Wright, who was recently named the All-Around World Champion at the 2019 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in December, dropped by The Cowboy Channel TV & Recording Studio while in town for the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo.

Steve Kenyon caught up with the PRCA superstar and gave him a tour of The Stockyards while talking to him about the upcoming year and his All-Around win. It marks the first time a rough stock cowboy has earned the title since Ty Murray in the 1990s.

Stetson tells Steve that a handful of rough stock riders and world champions reached out to him during his NFR run to show their support, including Larry Mahan, who told him, jokingly we presume, “If you don’t win it, I’ll never talk to you again.”

Ty Murray himself even reached out before the 10th round to wish the young cowboy good luck and say he was proud of him. “That was probably one of the coolest things of that whole NFR,” Stetson says, “was just that great of a guy texting me.”

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