Canada is #StillRanching

Canadian Kirk Prescott has been photographing scenes from his ranch in Foothills, AB over the last couple of weeks.

Prescott was born and raised in a ranching a rodeo family. He teaches school full-time (virtual teaching, currently, due to schools being closed). When he’s not at his day job, he’s out helping on his family’s ranch and always packs his camera gear with him.

“It’s been a bit of a whirlwind, but we are making the best of it,” Prescott said.

Check out these neat images, all taken by Kirk Prescott/ BAR XP PHOTO.

Kirk Prescott/ BAR XP PHOTO

Kirk Prescott/ BAR XP PHOTO

Kirk Prescott/ BAR XP PHOTO

Kirk Prescott/ BAR XP PHOTO

Kirk Prescott/ BAR XP PHOTO

If you are #StillRranching, submit your photos and videos to!

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