Eight-Time NFR Steer Wrestler Ty Erickson Out With Ankle Injury

He had successful surgery to repair it on May 8


Steer wrestler Ty Erickson will likely be out until the middle of July following surgery to repair a broken ankle that occurred April 26 at the Clovis Rodeo (California).

The eight-time NFR qualifier and 2019 World Champion told ProRodeo Sports News he hopes to back by the NFR Open and Calgary Stampede after undergoing successful surgery in Bozeman, Montana on May 8.

“It was kind of a freak deal,” Erickson said. “I got off and I guess I got my feet tangled up with the horse’s..."The tendons snapped and there was nothing attached to them.”

Erickson is currently No. 4 in the PRCA Steer Wrestling World Standings with $53,598 and in all likelihood, will still be in the Top 15 if he returns at his targeted time.

Last year, it took $84,612 to make it to Vegas in the bulldogging.