Four-time National Finals Breakaway Roper Taylor Munsel Breaks Down Top 5 Breakaway Ropers in the World

The Top 5 cowgirls in the World have had an impressive season so far.

The Top 5 breakaway ropers in the World all have over $23,000 in regular season earnings, roping at no more than nine rodeos.

Maddy Deerman comes in at No. 5 with $23,679 and six rodeos down. She is gunning for a second consecutive National Finals Breakaway Roping and her aresenal of horsepower is another element of her success.

Your No. 4 breakaway roper is Joey Williams with $23,733 from only four rodeos. Her horse, Baby, is a Horse of the Year winner who loves his job just has much as Williams. She missed out on the 2024 Finals by just four holes and Williams is making up for that early on.

Kinlie Brennise is a Colorado cowgirl coming in at No. 3. She has the highest rodeo count of nine so far with $28,800 in earnings. She had a second-place finish at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo.

San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo was a place that No. 2 cowgirl, Aspen Miller, shined. She has $30,955 in earnings with eight rodeos and is learning from the veterans on how to capitalize at the big shows.

Josie Conner is sitting No. 1 in the WPRA World Standings with $35,728 and only three rodeos to her name this year. Her horsepower, Dutch, has not missed a beat while Conner continues to have a lead foot down on winning.

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