Four-Time NFR Saddle Bronc Rider Lefty Holman on Having a New Why and the Love of the Game

Holman enters his fourth NFR with a brand new perspective, but the work is still the same.

California superstar Lefty Holman can now call himself a four-time National Finals Rodeo saddle bronc rider. Although his career is still young, Holman can attest to just how fast each season goes. For him, 2024 was unlike his previous seasons as he had his NFR qualification locked in early on this time around.

“It’s been a great year. It just started out in the winter. I just had a great winter, won second at Houston, second at San Antone, second at Miles City, a lot of second places and they kind of started adding up for a while and I was at that No. 2 spot in the World for a while,” he said.

While his life inside the arena was accelerating, his life outside of the arena found new purpose in the best way. With the welcoming of his baby girl, Holman’s perspective changed too.

“Comepletely changed my life right away. It’s been the best thing ever. Getting to tuck her in at night and, you know, just seeing a little piece of you in somebody else, it’s been truly indrecible,” he said.

Adding to it, this gives Holman a whole new why. Rodeo has turned into a busiess now, it is not just fun anymore. When he looks back at this year and the horses he went to work on, Holman thinks of the stock contractors and their business.

“I want to give credit to the contractors. You know, they’ve done such a great job putting blood, sweat and tears into their programs and making so many great horses,” he said. “There’s not just one or two, there’s a handful of them that are such incredible animals so yeah, hats off to those guys.”

When it comes to Las Vegas, Holman’s mental game is simple. He remembers why he does it and he just does his job.

“You do it because of the love of the game and it’s the best sport in America,” he said. “It’s a great sport and great people along the way.”

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