Jacob Lees Eyes Cheyenne Semifinals After Impressive Performance 3 Ride

The No. 7 bareback rider in the World, Jacob Lees, will return to Wyoming for the Semifinals.

Jacob Lees’ Quarter Finals trip at the Daddy of ‘Em All on Half Moon of Rocky Mountain Rodeo resulted in an 85-point ride that has secured his place in the Semifinals.

The No. 7 ranked bareback rider in the World is working towards a second National Finals Rodeo trip and rides like this might get him one step closer.

“Man, that was a great horse of Rocky Mountain’s and yeah, I don’t know why I did that. It was just fun, I was having such a good time. It was just cool to point at the boys,” he said.

Lees is Semifinals bound with Orin Larsen, Roedy Farrell and Bryce Eck from Performance 3.

We are closing out Bracket 5 with three more added to the Semi-Finals.
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The rodeo action in Denver conitues with Bracket 5.
The third bracket is concluding and adding more of rodeo’s best to the Semi-Finals.
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