John Crimber was the PBR Rookie of the Year in 2024 and now, the legacy bull rider is sitting No. 1 in the 2025 Unleash the Beast standings.
“When I came in this season I had a totally different mindset than last season. I was, kind of, just showing up in the beginning of it and now I’m just kind of showing up expecting to win. Weekend for weekend, bull for bull and we’ll just keep on keeping on,” he said.
With a career start unlike many, Crimber chalks it up to Jesus Christ.
“He’s blessed me so far in this career. I just go out there and have fun, like you said, this short amount of time God’s blessed me so much with all the stuff I’m winning. I’m just going out there, haivng fun and giving all the glory to him becasue he’s the one that helps me do this all,” Crimber said.
With his father coaching in the PBR Teams Series, Crimber has always had the weapon of his father’s knowledge in his back pocket and even in his professional career that is something that has proven to come in hand.
As Crimber gears up to continue on the Unleash the Beast tour, he looks back at all the travel that PBR offers and the expereinces he partakes in along the way.