Kelsey Thomas has now claimed four World’s Greatest Cowgirl Titles on one horse, Kit Kat Jerrie, but she calls her Elvira.
“We got her as a four-year-old and she’s ten years old this year. She’s just been so amazing to have. She’s really taken me places beyond my dreams,” Thomas said.
While their entrance into the World’s Greatest Cowgirl was unconventional given that Elvira was only five, that did not keep them out of the Winner’s Circle.
“It’s just been a great ride. She is like a real warrior, I guess, she loves doing the cow events. We get through the reining but she specifically loves to go down the fence and that’s what it takes to make a great bridle horse,” she said.
Elvira already has offspring stepping up to compete on her level. The mare that Thomas calls Fancy Love is out of Elvira and she would be Thomas’ first snaffle bit project.
“I’m just so grateful to these mares and the places that they’ve taken me,” Thomas said.
With goals for Elvira coming in at six figures, breeding will come next as Thomas continues growing her program as she adds another World’s Greatest Cowgirl title to her name.