Missy Jean Etheridge is a Non-Pro Cutter who started training her own horses around three years ago after having over two decades of experience under her belt.
“I think I’ve been horse crazy my whole life. I don’t even know what age, I just wanted horses. I love them, I breathe them, it’s just part of me. If I didn’t have a horse around me I don’t know what I would do. It’s just in me, it’s me,” Etheridge said.
With a foundation in barrel racing, Ehteridge transitioned to cutting, the event that she describes as exhilarating. It is a team effort where the rider and horse are one.
Etheridge has a new goal to compete on horses that are bred, raised and trained strictly in her program.
“The reason I love the babies is one, it’s kind of fun because you know the mom’s personalities and some of them, if you know those studs that the other people may own, you still are trying to match those personalities up, whether it’s their mental or physical or whatever that you are trying to get the atributes from one to bring to the next one. So once you start to kind of do that and then you see it come to fruition, it’s pretty neat,” she said.
Ehteridges foundation for her program is well rounded, highly competitve horses in all faucets of the arena.