Mitch Pollock Wins Bracket 5, Round 1 in the Saddle Bronc Riding on Way to National Western Semifinals

Pollock rode to first place in Round 1 and second in Round 2 of Bracket 5 with a pair of 83-point rides

Mitch Pollock made twin 83-point rides in Bracket 5 to advance to the Semifinals at the National Western with 166 points on two head.

The first ride, on Cervi Championship’s Redial, won him Round 1.

“That’s the second time I’ve been on that horse, super nice horse, I was excited to have him, you know Denver is a long process, so to be able to get on your first one that’s really good, it gets a guy excited,” he said. “It’s nice to have a great crowd here in Denver, it’s a snowy day out there, frigid temperatures, and the Coliseum is packed, so I love these fans.”

In Round 2, he was second on Bear’s Cowboy.

The National Western pays out both rounds at the very end of all eight brackets and Pollock’s rides have him tied for fourth overall in both rounds.

Also in the Semifinals from Bracket 5 are Round 2 leader Sawyer Erikson and Stu Wright.

Playoff 2 in Puyallup will have its First Round on Saturday afternoon.
The first Semifinalists are set in Puyallup
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