Newly Elected WPRA President Heidi Uecker-Schmidt Talks Opportunity and Long Term Goals

President Heidi Uecker-Schmidt joins Western Sports Round-Up.

Heidi Uecker-Schmidt has served at multiple positions on the WPRA Board of Directors but her newest title is President.

“The support that I’ve gotten from members, from past presients, Doreen, Carolyn Veetor, Jimmie Munroe, the things that I’ve learned... the women in this indutry have laid such an incredible path for me moving ahead,” Uecker-Schmidt said.

The WPRA is the oldest women’s sporting organization in the United States coming in at 77 years old.

“It’s for women, it’s governed women. We try to do the best for women all the time. New opportunities, you know, the Calgary announcement is huge... It’s always been our goal as an association, the board, everything to just continue that growth,” she said

Adding to that, Uecker-Schmidt’s mind is on the PRCA and a long term agreement with their partners. Giving their members opportunites to compete on rodeo’s largest stages and adding breakaway to all rodeos taps into a long list of her long term goals that Uecker-Schmidt has.

Uecker-Schmidt is only two weeks into her tenure and it safe to say it is off to a great start.

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