NFR Heeler Jake Long Talks Success and Game Plans for an Unforgiving Thomas and Mack

Jake Long has had success in the Thomas and Mack in the past but that is no promise that it will happen again.

Team roper Clint Summers and Jake Long finished their 2023 season as the No. 2 header and heelers in the World. This year, the duo will return to Las Vegas each sitting inside the Top 5 in the World.

“It’s the best finals I’ve ever had, by far, and it made us transition into the winter with a lot of confidence and him on Transmission and we had a big winter and it kind of showed in the results of everything,” Long said.

The success that Summers and Long has in the Texas Swing and other indoor rodeos at the beginning of the year felt similar to their NFR performance and looking back, Long says it is the best winter run he has ever has as well.

“Yeah, a lot of fiirsts with him and we’ve done good,” Long said.

While their winter was wicked, their summer was not quite was Long had been used too. Despite being slower than they’d like, their successful winter allowed room for exactly that, a slower summer.

“Though it was maybe a little disappointing, it still allowed us to be ina good spot to where we were pretty comfortable all year and we weren’t having to stress and battle. The last year was pretty stressful towards the end of the year and we were able to come through but it was a lot more fun this year to kind of relax and enjoy it a little more,” Long said.

As the NFR gets closer, Long is sure to keep his confidence in check despite 2023 success. The excitment is high but practice and preparations are still taking place.

“Becasue that building is very unforgiving and so last year, things were definitely going our way and it’s nice to know that we have that ability in us but you can’t expect it to be the same,” he said.

A gameplan that consists of just making their run, Long says the draw plays a part in it all too. This duo will keep their game plan the same this year while gunning for gold.

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