NFR Round 10 Notebook

Round 10 Notebook

Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi and Ky Hamilton have already locked in their World Titles. Their leads are safe and these are the two races that are over. Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi has a chance to win the World Title by over $200,000 and Ky Hamilton cant be caught regardless of tonight’s results. The one thing still up for grabs for Hamilton is the average. If he is bucked off and Sage Kimzey rides Kimzey could overtake him and be your Average Champion.

Riley Webb needs a clean run to win his first Gold Buckle. It is pretty simple for Webb to secure his title. He needs to keep his No. 2 spot in the average and he will win the World Title. Webb is trailing Haven Meged by 1.3 seconds in the average but does not need to jump him to keep his No. 1 spot. If Webb falls in the average the door opens for Meged, but it will take a broken barrier, second rope, or no time to fall as Webb is currently up on No. 3 in the average Kincade Henrey by 6 seconds.

Steer Wrestling comes down to Dalton Massey, Tyler Waguespack, and Jesse Brown. If Dalton Massey beats Wags and Brown straight up tonight he will win the title. The path is more clear for Brown than Waguespack to overtake Massey. Brown needs to jump Don Payne who is No. 1 in the average and beat Massey head-to-head and he will have shot at the Gold Buckle depending on how the average plays out.

Zeke Thurston is one ride away from his second straight World Title and fourth of his career. All Thurston has to do is go the full eight seconds and he will be your 2023 World Champion. If he is bucked off Sage Newman re-enters the picture and would have a shot of catching him. If Zeke were to be bucked off and everyone else rode, he would fall to eighth in the average which would then give Newman a look at the Gold Buckle.

In Team Roping Tyler Wade and Wesley Thorp need a clean run to win the World Title. If they fall a spot in the average that opens up the possibility for several teams to take advantage and claim the World Title. Derrick Begay and Colter Todd are currently the only team to go 9-9 thus far, but if they fail to catch they will fall out of the average race and thus fall out of the World Title race.

Keenan Hayes needs a clean ride to secure the Gold Buckle. Hayes is currently second in the average which is enough to hold off Jess Pope who leads the average standings. If Hayes stays where he is in the average the race is over and he will be your 2023 Bareback Riding World Champion.

Round 10 Records:

Bareback Riding: 93 Points, Clayton Biglow-2019
Saddle Bronc Riding: 93 Points, Billy Etbauer-2004, Stetson Wright-2021
Bull Riding: 96 Points, Cody Hancock-2001
Steer Wrestling: 3.2 Seconds, Tyler Waguespack-2017
Team Roping: 3.5 Seconds, Dustin Egusquiza & Travis Graves-2021
Barrel Racing: 13.17 Seconds, Hailey Kinsel-2017