NRCHA Non-Pro and Intermediate Non-pro Leader Tammy Hays on WSR

Tammy Hays is leading the NRCHA Non-Pro and Intermediate Non-Pro Stakes after the reining and herd work and has no complaints with her performance thus far.

“So far so good, I had a really solid reigning run, and same in the herd. I always shoot for no mistakes and there wasn’t much in the way of that so I was pretty tickled so far.”

Hays posted a 219 point run in the reign work and knows how fortunate she was to have everything go her way in that run.

“It’s very rare to have a reigning run that, just everything falls together and I can really show the horse and push them. A lot of times with these cow horses they have a lot of feel and it is about maintaining them and keeping them under control. She really let me show her, so much so that on the first set of circles I didn’t push her as hard as I could have or probably should have.”

Even with all of the success, Hays remains thankful just for the opportunity to compete at the event.

“I was just thinking today how thankful I am for the NRCHA and for this life that we lead. I feel like we are in a protected environment from a lot of that chaos that goes on in the world... I feel like it is a very special and unique situation that very few people get to experience nowadays. A community that is pulling for each other even outside of what we do.”

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