Quarantine Catch Up with Lisa Lockhart and Louie

Lisa Lockhart talks about what makes Louie so special, her most memorable moments with him, and what the two of them have been up to during the quarantine.

“Honestly, it’s not a whole lot different than normal for us, because we usually have a lot of down time this time of year that we come back to the ranch for calving season and branding and things like that,” Lisa says. “We will definitely be working on getting geared back up for the summer run, which is hopefully sooner than later.. .”

A new parternship has formed for all things western between the Cowboy Channel and PBR.
The second to last Super Series of RodeoHouston is ready for take off.
Abby Phillips advances to the Semi-Finals at RodeoHouston.
The newest event at the Calgary Stampede is the breakaway roping.
RodeoHouston’s third Super Series concludes with its final round.
Four-time World Champion and 2015 RodeoHouston Champion Zeke Thurston talks all things Super Series.
California’s Bailey Small joins Western Sports Round-Up.
Super Series 3 action continues to pick up at one of the biggest rodeos of the season.
Bailey Small capitalized at a Florida Rodeo to move up in Rookie and World Standings.
Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi claims two of three go-round wins at NRG Stadium.