Randy Corley and Wayne Brooks On The Importance of Justin Sportsmedicine

Randy Corley announced his first ever National Finals Rodeo in 1980, when the event was still taking place in Oklahoma City. That is the same year that the Justin Sportsmedicine Program began.

“They put together a sports medicine team to help the athletes at the NFR. Justin Boots realized what a valuable program that was, they came on board, they took it over and you can say the rest is history,” Corley said.

He went to on to explain how this is arguably the most important program in the sport of rodeo. With the trainers and doctors that make up the program, rodeo athletes have the best care both before and after they ride. The people of the Justin Sportsmedicine Team also give updates to the announcers on injuries and cowboys that are out, another reason that Corley loves the program.

Both Corley and his fellow Rodeo Austin announcer, Wayne Brooks, wear the Justin Boots patch and they are proud to do so. The time, effort and money that Justin has put into not only their products and athletes, but into the Justin Sportsmedicine Program is incredible.

Brooks says that the Justin Sportsmedicine Program is a key to the cowboy’s success.

“I think access to those great medical talents is the key to success. If you go in there and say it kind of hurts when I do this and catch it early, along with our program managers, the local medical practitioners that include surgeons and doctors and physical therapists and massage therapists and the list goes on, they’re available,” Brooks said.

There are three Justin Sportsmedicine Teams on the road hitting as many rodeos as they can. Through out the performances that made up the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, Rodeo Houston and now Rodeo Austin, the Justin Sportsmedicine Team has seen 254 injuries. The whole Jsutin Sportsmedicine Team has been working hard and they continue to do so as the big winter rodeos get closer to the end.

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