Rural Media Group founder Patrick Gottsch receives PBR “Be Cowboy” Award

The President and Founder of Rural Media Group, Patrick Gottsch, was honored with the PBR “Be Cowboy” Award at the Iron Cowboy at Dickies Arena over the weekend.

The award is given to men and women who have dedicated their lives to the rural and cowboy lifestyle.

“Be Cowboy is built on the heart and soul of those rogue cowboys who shared a dream; the men and women who contributed to a global icon that is familiar and revered, yet often misconstrued as a non-inclusive group of outlaws who ride horses, dress a certain way and talk a certain way. In fact, the first cowboys were an original melting pot of trail-blazers who sought opportunity, and through hard work, a better life,” the PBR website states. “Their values endure: Modern cowboys are all those who embody the Cowboy Code of toughness, courage, respect, determination, and patriotism, no matter what country’s flag you pledge.”

Patrick Gottsch was presented the award by PBR CEO Sean Gleason.

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