Sage Newman on His 2022 Season and Going Into the NFR

Sage Newman is the No. 1 saddle bronc rider going into his second National Finals Rodeo.

“I try not to think about it too much, but yeah everybody’s chasing me but I’ve just got to go do my job and let it fall where it may,” he said.

After sharpening his skills in the practice pen during 2020, it shows in Newman’s 2022 season. With just a month before the Finals in Las Vegas, his game plan is to stay tuned up on practice horses and staying in shape.

“I just plan to take it one horse at a time, one round at a time and just do my deal and not think about to much and just have fun,” he said.

Newman’s 2022 regular season was great and he will try to keep it rolling come December 1.

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