San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo: Saturday Matinee Daysheet, Wildcard Round

There is one more shot to make the Finals in San Antonio and it is Saturday afternoon

SASSR Wildcard

If these cowboys and cowgirls want to win San Antonio, they’ll have to do it the hard way - by making it back through the Wildcard.

Fear not, however, last year multiple San Antonio champions needed the extra round to finish the job.

It begins at 1 PM ET on The Cowboy Channel and Cowboy Channel+


Three-time NFR Average Champion vs. Soap Bubbles of The Calgary Stampede is a matchup to keep an eye on.

Dantan Bertsch Girl Crush
Jess Pope Soap Bubbles
Mason Stuller San Angelo Sam
Cole Franks Honcho
Wacey Schalla Network Gazer
Weston Timberman Twin Cherry
Garrett Shadbolt Enchanted Earnest
Lane McGeehee Mr. Harry
Bradlee Miller Natural Hell
Richmond Champion Dusty Roads


Expect a very fast time to win the steer wrestling Saturday. Mike McGinn and Cody Devers have been 3.5 and 3.7 already and five-time NFR qualifiers Jacob Talley and Stetson Jorgensen await what they have to beat as the last two out.

Laramie Warren
Cody Devers
Nick Huy
Don Payne
Grant Peterson
Mike McGinn
Cody Harmon
Cole Walker
Jacob Talley
Stetson Jorgensen


There are four teams in the field that have at least 12 NFR qualifications between them - Erich Rogers/Paul Eaves, Coleman Proctor/Logan Medlin, Kaleb Driggers/Junior Noguiera and Derrick Begay/Colter Todd.

Brye Crites Tyler Worley
Jake Cooper Chase Graves
JC Yeahquo Buddy Hawkins
Erich Rogers Paul Eaves
Coleman Proctor Logan Medlin
Jake Clay Trey Yates
Kaleb Driggers Junior Nogueira
Derrick Begay Colter Todd
Tanner James Sid Sporer
Kellan Johnson Carson Johnson


Fort Worth Champion Damian Brennan has one more chance to get his shot at back-to-back Texas Swing rodeos.

Leon Fountain Artic Plum
Q McWhorter Annual News
Parker Fleet N/A
Layton Green Come Along
Cash Wilson Dance Hall Dreamer
Keene Justesen Buck Owens
Damian Brennan Cloudy Skies
Brody Wells Tony Hawk
Sterling Crawley Cancun Moon


Nos. 3-6 in the PRCA World Standings - Chance Thiessen, John Douch, Brush Minton and Haven Meged - are all in Saturday’s Wildcard.

Guy Raasch
Haven Meged
Reid Zapalac
Brush Minton
Tuf Cooper
John Douch
Cash Hooper
Cole Walker
Chance Thiessen
Joel Harris


Sue Smith will have the top of the ground and veterans Dona Kay Rule and Lisa Lockhart are out third and fourth.

Sue Smith
Ryann Pedone
Dona Kay Rule
Lisa Lockhart
Kelly Allen
Abby Phillips
Paige Jones
Oceane Veilleux
Halyn Lide
Jodee Miller


Creek Young went 3-for-3 in his bracket, but got bucked off in the Semifinals to be on the outside looking in. The World No. 5 has his last shot to make the Finals.

Brady Portenier Boom Town
Jace Trosclair Chore Boy
Roscoe Jarboe Milburn Special
Parker Breding N/A
Creek Young Buck Hammer
Jack Gilmore Little Bill
Stran Smith Quick Wick
Dustin Boquet Too Tropical
Maverick Smith Soccer Mom

Breakaway roping daysheet was unavailable.

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The second year of Kid Rock’s Rock N Rodeo is back.
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Damian Brennan’s success started long before he picked up his first RodeoHouston win.