Shane Hanchey Talks Young Powerhouse Horses That Carried His Regular Season and Bugsy’s NFR Return

NFR veteran tie-down roper Shane Hanchey main trials of this season were horsepower.

Shane Hanchey has now qualified for 15 consecutive National Finals Rodeo but even as a veteran, this year will be unlike any other.

“It seems like each year the battle is a little different, what you have to over come to get there, but it definietly never gets old and I seem to always be looking forward to those ten nights in Vegas,” Hanchey said.

Hanchey’s horsepower was one of the battles he faced in the 2024 season after losing Bugsy during the 2023 NFR. Looking back, Hanchey says that he realistically did not give himself very good odds to return to the Thomas and Mack, yet, the veteran tie-down roper prevailed.

“I left for the summer with $22,000 won... Luckily I bought a horse right before I left, Jules, a six-year-old mare and she really pulled me through the Cowboy Christmas phase and we had a great week Cowboy Christmas, but she sustained an injury at Greeley Short Round and she’s been off ever since,” he said.

Stepping up to the plate alongside Jules is a horse that Hanchey calls River. He was running River since the winter and the sorrel gelding is hot off a successful futurity career.

“If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be talking to you today, going to my fifteenth one. The five-year-old horse, he pulled me through the lows of the season, for sure,” Hanchey said.

As for his main mount, Bugsy, the bay horse made his arena return at the Cinch Playoffs Governor’s Cup and, as of today, will be Hanchey’s No. 1 in the Thomas and Mack.

“I’m just excited to have him for 2025 as I am for the end of 2024 because he’s such a game changer in the summer and spring rodeos. So I’m excited to have him back,” he said.

Adding to the differeneces for Hanchey’s NFR is his baby boy, who hit the rodeo road and was on the Summer Run. Hanchey said he is a happy baby that he can’t wait to show off in December, an easy task to add to Hanchey’s to do list.

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