Western Sports Shows
Discover the best in Western Sports news and ProRodeo coverage available on television! Tune in for all the rodeo action from juniors events to the PRCA.
“The Cinch High School Rodeo Tour,” in affiliation with the National High School Rodeo Association, showcases the next generation in Western Sports!
Produced in partnership with the National Little Britches Rodeo Association (NLBRA), the “Little Britches Rodeo” is literally an event famous for its slogan: “Where Legends Begin.” And it’s true, “Little Britches Rodeo” has helped to produce some of the top professional cowboys and cowgirls.
The Cowboy Channel and the PRCA have partnered to bring the most comprehensive rodeo coverage available for the Western Sports fan!
The Cowboy Channel and the PRCA are bringing fans the “SportsCenter” of rodeo! ProRodeo Tonight is the first-ever nationally televised sports highlight show dedicated to the PRCA rodeo circuit. It’s an action-packed studio show that includes everything from special guest interviews and athlete vignettes to results and injury reports.
Join us as we highlight the most exciting moments in western sports along the road to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas!
Each week, “Total Team Roping” on the Cowboy Channel brings you tips, training hints, and some inside knowledge to improve your heading or heeling skills.
Western Sports Round-Up will keep you up-to-date with the latest news and in-depth analysis of barrel racing, cutting, reining, team roping and more - along with complete previews of the nation’s biggest events.
Watch some of the “WILD” stories that made these top rodeo athletes who they are today!
Western Sports Shows
Mike Snow, Brett Nierengarten, and Katy Lucas take you deep inside the world of rodeo with in-depth stats, interviews and more. Join them weekly as they breakdown top plays and talk to top performers from the PRCA’s most important rodeos.
Latest News: Western Sports
Rocker Steiner adds RodeoHouston to his long list of accolades.
Keenan Hayes’ season started with wins including the Resistol Rookie Roundup and ended with a win in Las Vegas.
Team roper Coleman Proctor was one half of a $1 million team in 2019.
PBR’s Unleash the Beast series continues in Milwaukee.
Hailey Kinsel’s career took a turn for the best in 2017 at the American Rodeo.
An accident in Oklahoma has sidelined Jeter Lawrence.
Six-time World Champion Bareback Rider Kaycee Feild makes a return to the rodeo arena.
Barrel racer Jordan Driver claims the San Diego Rodeo win.
Four-time NFR cowboy Jordan Spears left San Diego the Champion.
Riley Webb picks up his first win since ringing in the new year in San Diego.
Dustin Egusquiza and Levi Lord claim the San Diego Rodeo title.
The roughstock side of the arena in San Diego belonged to Bradlee Miller and Ryder Wright.