Riley Duvall has stayed as consistent as ever at the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo in Missouri. A pair of 4.6 second runs put him No. 1 in the two-head Average by over half a second.
“I love two to three headers where you can just show up, run multiple steers. It fits my bulldogging a little better,” he said.
Duval had two steers that ran a little harder and Duval’s equine partner, Dr. Pepper, is built to catch up with quick steers and the duo thrived in Sikeston.
“I’ve always had luck as Sikeston and I just love this rodeo,” Duvall said.
With the season a little over a month away from ending and plenty of money left to be won, it is game on for Riley Duvall as he sits No. 30 in the PRCA World Standings.
Trey Holston Keeps Rolling as He Takes the Lead at Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo
Coy Rahlman and Douglas Rich Capitalize at Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo