Stockyard Sessions: Carson Jeffrey Talks Growing Up in Rodeo, What’s on Tap for 2024, and More

The cowboy from Cat Spring, Texas thought he was going to be a roper growing up

Carson Jeffrey grew up immersed in the rodeo lifestyle, transitioning from playing in the arena as a child to competing in junior high, high school, and college rodeos.

While he now focuses more on his music career, he still finds time to rope and ride horses regularly.

In 2024, fans can expect new music releases, including multiple singles, a full studio album in August, and a live album recorded in his hometown.

Jeffrey is also looking forward to the arrival of his baby girl in October and hopes to balance his musical aspirations with his love for rodeo.

TCC: We see a lot of musicians and we see a lot of cowboys, but today we’re here with someone who grew up in rodeo. Can you tell us about your background in rodeo?”

CJ: I grew up rodeoing. Since I was young, I was playing in the arena, then ended up getting on a horse and roping calves and steers. That was my life—going to junior high, high school, and then college rodeo. I bought my permit in college for the PRCA. Around that time, I started playing some music, turned to a different page, and now I’m still doing that. I kind of put rodeo on the back burner, but that’s what I grew up doing.

TCC: So do you still get to rodeo?

CJ: For sure. We have some shows and stuff beforehand, but a lot during the week I’ve got some horses at the house, a little young cat I’m playing around with, and I still rope pretty much every day during the week that I can when the weather is nice. I’m out there, but just don’t get to enter as much. Sometimes it works out where we will play a fair rodeo before and I’ll sing. I’ve got to do that a couple times and that was pretty cool.

TCC: That is really cool. How often have you done that?

CJ: I’ve done that about two or three times. I plan on doing it a few times this summer, so that’s a lot of fun. We get to hit it twice in one event.

TCC: What can we expect from you in 2024?

CJ: 2024 is looking great. We’ve had some great songs come out so far this year and have a lot more music coming out. We’re really excited about that. We’ve been recording a lot. A couple of our shows just sold out Gruene Hall for the second time a couple of weeks ago, so it’s been a lot of fun.

TCC: Is that the only thing you’re expecting in 2024?

CJ: No, we’ve got a baby girl coming in October, so we’re excited and ready for that. A lot of people have been asking me if I’m going to write a baby song. I think I’d be lying if I wrote it beforehand, so I think we just gotta wait on that one. I think I gotta get some real emotions in there first, but I’m sure there’ll be some songs about her. For now, we’re just gonna keep writing and writing, and when the time comes, it’ll come.

TCC: You’ve got a live album recording coming up. Can you tell us about that?

CJ: Yes, on May 11 we’ve got our live album recording. We’ve been wanting to do a live album for a couple of years now, and we’re gonna do it right there in my hometown at the Cat Spring Hall. They used to have a lot of shows there back in the day, and we’re gonna bring it back. We’re gonna get in there, sell her out, and have a live album. We’re excited; it’s gonna be fun.

TCC: What are some of your career goals?

CJ: Some of my career goals would be to just move into a little bit more of a national act and get to meet as many fans as possible, but also keep that rodeo lifestyle in my day-to-day life. I’d love to enter some rodeos, maybe on a bigger scale too. If I could move into both of those avenues, that would be great.

TCC: What can fans look forward to in terms of new music?

CJ: Fans can look forward to multiple singles coming out throughout the summer. Then, at the end of the summer, sometime in August, we’re gonna have a full studio album coming out. After that one, later in the year, the live album will drop. So, yeah, lots of new music is coming.

Parts of this interview have been condensed for clarity. You can follow Carson on social media here and listen to his music here.