Tyler Milligan’s 2X Horse of the Year Big Time Passes Away


PHOTO: 2019 NFR | Dan Hubbell | PRCA

This weekend tie-down roper Tyler Milligan’s horse Big Time passed away. It’s a huge loss, both personally and professionally, for the No. 4 tie-down roper.

The duo have been a force to be reckoned with since Milligan won the Resistol Rookie of the Year title in 2017 — following which Big Time was named Tie-Down Roping Horse of the Year for the next two in a row.

“What makes Big Time so good is he’s just easy to ride,” Tyler told TCC when we checked in with him and Big Time during quarantine. “He gives you his best every time; there’s no guessing at what he’s gonna do. You know what he’s gonna do, and he just does it, every time. He makes it real consistent and real easy.”

On Facebook, Tyler wrote, “Thanks for all the rides Big Time. I owe just about everything to you. I’ll never forget all you did for me and others. I’ll see you again someday. Love you.”

Girlfriend Fallon Hall made the sad announcement on Instagram, writing, “Big Time was part of the family. He was just like Tyler, if there was ever a horse that acted like his owner.. it was him.”

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No further details on the means Big Time’s passing or Tyler’s plans for the 2020 NFR have yet been released.


At Home with Tyler Milligan and Big Time

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