Joe Beaver: The Making of an 8-Time World Champion

Joe Beaver knew he was destined to become one of the world’s greatest ropers since he was a child. He began roping goats from the back of a Shetland pony in his family’s practice pen. By 15, Beaver had already made a name for himself in the roping world.

At 20 years old, Beaver won the PRCA Resistol Rookie of the Year award and qualified for his first career NFR in Las Vegas. Beaver was the youngest tie-down roper in the 1985 NFR, but that didn’t scare him away. After the 10 rounds, he left with his first World Title.

He wasn’t done after that, not by a long shot. Beaver qualified for 22 NFRs and won four more tie-down roping titles along with three all-around titles.


NFR’S Most Memorable Moments: Joe Beaver Wins His First Gold Buckle

Shad Mayfield on Learning from Joe Beaver

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