T Parker, Ryder Sanford and Cash Enderli Talk All Things Rookie Race

The top rookies in professional rodeo have been invited to the second annual Rookie Roundup and it all starts April 28.

For No. 1tie-down roping rookie Cash Enderli, his season started with a bang as he pulled checks at all seven of his first pro rodeos. He had recent success in Abilene.

“The three calves that I ran, I just did my job and no mistakes and was able to place good in the average,” Enderli said.

Ryder Sanford sits No. 1 in the rookie race for the saddle bronc after having a fall that went in his favor starting with the Southeastern Circuit Finals.

“That was the plan. Come October and November I hit it hard trying to get as much money won as I could so I could get into Houston,” Sanford said.

For T Parker, the No. 1 rookie in the bull riding, he also picked up a win at his first rodeo on the professional road.

“It’s going pretty good, everything’s been falling just right. I’ve been covering most of my bulls, keeping in good spirits, getting with the right people and here in Fort Worth this weekend, about to have some fun,” Parker said.

Enderli, Sanford and Parker are apart of a tough rookie class with a lot of rodeo season left to go.

Bailey Small capitalized at a Florida Rodeo to move up in Rookie and World Standings.
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