Tie-Down Roper Macon Murphy Talks the Fastest Time of Performance 3 at the Daddy of ‘Em All

Macon Murphy is advancing to the Semifinals after Quarter Finals success.

Macon Murphy might not have been in the money in the Qualifier but in the Quarter Finals, he is the fastest time of Performance 3 and the fastest time of the rodeo so far.

“It’s taken years to work and I still work at it everyday, it’s never set int stone. But my horse worked good today, my horse did all the hard work and put me in position, all I had to do was just do my job,” Murphy said.

After a successful trip to the Calgary Stampede, Murphy then made all the necessary changes and preparation for Cheyenne’s completely different set up.

“This is what we do for a living. At the end of the day, it’s just a job, that’s all you’ve got to worry about,” he said.

Moving on to the Semifinals alongside Murphy is Ty Harris, Bookier McCutchen and Shane Hanchey.

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