Ty Erickson Tops The Semifinals Leaderboards After A Tough Night of Steer Wrestling

It was a tough night to be a steer wrestler in San Antonio. The first round of Semifinals did not go as some hoped but Ty Erickson got the win with a quick but different 4.4 second run. The announcers said it best, Erickson had to improvise and it worked out to be the fastest run of the night.

“I thought I missed him really. And then I could’ve stood up and he was right there so I threw him down. That shouldn’t have won the round tonight, we had a really good pen of steers but, I mean, sometimes that stuff happens,” Erickson said.

After broken barriers and some other mishaps for other bulldoggers, Erickson expressed how grateful he was to be in San Antonio and he didn’t miss the chance to credit his horse power.

The top five in this round of Semifinals qualified for the Finals on Saturday. You’ll see Erickson along with Tristan Martin, Bridger Anderson, Dakota Eldridge and J.D. Struxness.



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