Saturday night was Round 2 of the 2023 Wrangler NFR.
We kicked off the night with Mae Estes performing the National Anthem
Mae started her career performing and riding at local rodeo events. She is now making a name for herself in the industry as a traditional country artist.
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There was no doubt as to who the best ropers were in Cheyenne. Clay Tryan and Jade Corkill won each round they competed in, finishing off the Daddy of em’ All with the fastest time of the rodeo at 7.5 seconds to get the win.
Stockton Graves moved to the lead in the average after a great run in round two.
Tim O’Connell added his third career Cheyenne Frontier Days title to his resume on Sunday after going 88.5 points in the finals. O’Connell joked that he may need to start calling Wyoming home after all of his success.