WATCH: Winning Rides and Runs from Semifinal 2 of RodeoHouston

The Second Semifinal in Houston helped round out Championship Sunday and delivered a sensational saddle bronc riding

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Eight of the 10 spots in Championship Sunday have been booked following RodeoHouston’s Second Semifinal on Thursday night.

No. 3 Cooper Cooke, 87 Points on Clagary Stampede’s Bucking Knight

Also Advancing: No. 15 Clayton Biglow, No. 10 Tanner Aus, No. 16 Leighton Berry

No. 12 JD Struxness, 4.8 Seconds

Also Advancing: No. 27 Cody Devers, No. 31 Tucker Allen, No. 41 Blake Knowles

Unranked Jesse Boos/Unranked Jace Steenhoek, 4.9 Seconds

Also Advancing: No. 4 Andrew Ward/No. 19 Tanner Braden, No. 1 Clint Summers/No. 1 Jake Long, No. 32 J.C. Yeahqhuo/No. 22 Buddy Hawkins II

No. 10 Zeke Thurston, 89 Points on Calgary Stampede’s Xena Warrior

Also Advancing: No. 16 Sage Newman, No. 17 Ben Andersen, No. 2 Damian Brennan

No. 8 Ty Harris, 8.3 Seconds

Also Advancing: No. 1 Shad Mayfield, No. 24 Trevor Hale, No. 7 Chance Thiessen

No. 68 Macy Young, 2.6 Seconds

Also Advancing: No. 5 Rickie Fanning, No. 12 Willow Wilson, No. 37 TiAda Gray

No. 37 Stevi Hillman, 14.62 Seconds

Also Advancing: No. 43 Leslie Smalygo, No. 87 Megan McLeod-Sprague, No. 9 Lisa Lockhart

No. 9 Dustin Boquet, 84 Points on Cervi Championship’s Ramrod

Also Advancing: No. 2 Creek Young, No. 19 Jax Mills, Unranked Jeff Askey

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