Steer Wrestling

Steer wrestler Brandon Harrison has leveled up as he goes for gold.
Texas steer wrestler Brandon Harrison wins the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.
Steer wrestler and under dog Brandon Harrison wins San Antonio.
Louisiana steer wrestler Jacob Talley advances to the Semi-Finals.
Will Lummus’ efforts pay off as he advances to San Antonio’s Semi-Finals.
Steer wrestler Jesse Brown is your Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Champion.
Steer wrestlers Clayton Hass and Levi Rudd claim the second round of their bracket.
Seth Peterson capitalized in the first of two go-rounds in Fort Worth.
Will Lummus continues to win the big bucks as San Diego Rodeo is added to his list.
Steer Wrestler Will Lummus adds another accolade to his name.
The next season of professional rodeo is underway.
Struxness entered Round 10 projected No. 4 and walked out with his first career Gold Buckle
A pair of 3.5’s earn Dakota Eldridge and Jesse Brown a trip to the South Point.
Scott Guenthner is the Round 6 Winner in Las Vegas.
Will Lummus has claimed two NFR Round wins and has taken over the lead in the World Standings.
The bar was set in Round 1 by none other than veteran steer wrestler Will Lummus.
Meet the NFR Athletes is presented by Montana Silversmiths