Four-time World Champion Zeke Thurston is looking to win a second RodeoHouston title and he is well on his way there after claiming the most money in Super Series 2.
“I mean, you try to go to them all the same. It takes a good partner, you’ve got to draw good on your side and then on top of it you’ve got to use them and go out there and capitalize on the good ones,” Thurston said.
With two go-rounds wins and a second-place finish in the third, Thurston racked up $7,500 in his Super Series.
“I just went out there and tried to make the best ride I could on him. I was fortunate enough to draw two more really good horses so I think that’s my best Super Series yet that I’ve had,” he said about Cervi Championship Rodeo’s Redial and Round 1.
It has been ten years since his first RodeoHouston win, Thurston is staying solid as he prepares for the Semi-Finals where he will continue gunning for a second RodeoHouston title.